When will my baby play with toys?
Babies are keen observers and learners. They love to interact with things around them with their eyes and hands. However, it is quite rare until your baby turns about 3 months old. Parents are quite excited to know when their baby will play with toys. Here we got a perfect answer to this question.

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So When Baby Starts Playing with Toys?
Well, babies start interacting with toys as soon they get 2 months old. Sensory toys at this age are quite a good option. Baby interacts with these kinds of toys through eyes and ears.
Sensory toys also improve the eyesight and hearing senses of your baby. Although, he won’t be grasping those toys by hand, but still playing with them through his senses.
It is obvious that in the first few months of their life, infants love toys that they see and listen to. As newborns are fuzzy and cannot focus on this that are further than 20 to 30 cm, so it would be a great idea to hang those sensory toys in a crib or play mat.
Visually appealing toys with bright colors and textures are ideal for newborn babies. Development in babies from three to six months is rapid, so it is important to offer them right toys during this age.
Babies over 6 Months
As soon as your baby turns 6 months old, it is time to offer toys that help in mental and physical development. Baby gyms and playmats can keep your baby busy all day while improving his mental and physical development.
During tummy time, you can attach hanging toys over the playmat to encourage the baby to look up. This activity helps in improving babies’ neck, back, and shoulder muscles.
By the time your baby turns 6 months old, he will start interacting with toys in many ways. One of the most common ways of interaction is putting toys in his mouth. You can offer him BPA-free teething toys that help in tooth eruptions and soothe gums.
Toys at Age of 9 Months
As your baby is about to turn nine-months-old, you can offer him developmental toys like sorters, learning walkers, musical toys, etc. As your baby will start taking his first steps, walkers and toys that encourage him to move up can be a perfect option at this stage.
However, make sure that the toys that you for your 9-month-old are large enough and can’t be swallowed easily. Moreover, it is important to look for loose parts and toxic materials.
What to Look for in Toys?
As of now, you are well aware of the time when babies start interacting with toys. Here are some factors to consider when buying toys for your little one.
Up till 2 months, babies can only differentiate between black and white color. Therefore, introducing vibrant and differents colors will help them learn more about the world around them.
Toys that make sound can highly engage your little one all day long. Always opt for toys that create rattling and squeaky sounds. If you are going for electronic musical toys, make sure you set the volume to low. Loud sounds may damage the hearing senses of your baby.
As soon as the baby gets 3-months-old, he will constantly track any moving object. At this age, little ones usually develop their eyesight at a faster rate. So the toys that move can be a play a great part in enhancing the eyesight of your baby.
Bottom Line
Every baby grows at a different pace than others. It is possible that your little one may reach for toys at an early age. Babies usually play with toys when they are active, nicely fed, and had plenty of sleep.